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Monday, May 01, 2006

Once Again, Comedy Central Pundit Comes to the Rescue

You gotta love these guys. Everyone remembers CNN's Crossfire program's swan song: The Daily Show's John Stewart comes on and gives Tucker and Begala an earful of something they're not used to: candor. Everyone, including, I think, the show's hosts, agree with his assessment: arguing polarizing partisan talking points endlessly on television is bad for the soul.

Today, we have reports that Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert killed at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Dude, I wish I had those balls. Way to go, man. You continue to perform an essential function for your country in its most desperate hour: speaking truth to power (and yes, I know it's a much bandied cliche. Ripping the leader of the "free" world a new asshole FACE TO FACE fits the description, however). Hats off, and thanks Stephen.


Paul said...

link please?

Paul said...

Here's the link to Stephen's 60 Minutes interview. tre cool.

Paul said...

looks like Stephen hit his mark.

Paul said...

One more thing... for all the people saying Stephen bombed and his timing was terrible: I think it's quite possible the guy was scared for his life. Someone I read said he had been downing the red wine like nobody's business. I think this guy was scared shitless but he had the balls to go through with the routine anyway. Amazing.

Paul said...

Continuing the discussion with myself: in a similar vein, I bet many in the audience were scared for him. They know there have been few times this guy has ever been criticized to his face. He was feeling good about himself. So a possible reason for the uncomfortable atmosphere was that everyone in the room was terrified Bush was gonna swig some wine, snort a line, and physically kick the shit outta Colbert.