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Friday, April 28, 2006

My Letter to John Kerry in 2002

I recently re-read the letter I sent my two Senators from Massachusetts before the Iraq War. It rekindled the feeling of disgust I had at the time for John Kerry. Thousands of citizens of Massachusetts sent such letters, yet he ignored his constituents' position on the matter and decided to vote in the manner he felt would be most politically advantageous to him. After his vote, I voted against him in his Senate re-election campaign, and I voted against him in the presidential primary. It was only in the general election that I grudgingly hopped on the Kerry bandwagon and began supporting him. As recently as Feb. I gave his PAC money to help other Democratic candidates. Today I'm officially severing the ties. Anyone who can willfully ignore our national interests, who is willing to sacrifice our country for their own political ends, does not deserve my support, no matter how furiously they backpedal. I'm going to lend my support only to candidates who have demonstrated a willingness to put principals before politics. So, I guess I'm never going to vote again in my life.

Seriously, I'm going to come out now in support of Barack Obama. The political consultants, the image consultants, they all say he's unelectable due to his skin color and ethnicity. I'm sick of the pessimistic cynicism that has infested this party. It's a cancer, and I know what it takes to beat cancer. You can't hide your head in the sand and hope it goes away. You need to poison it, and the process is extremely painful. Eating vegetables, consulting acupuncturists, all that hippie bullshit, it does NOTHING. This is a battle for the soul of our party, and there will be casualties. In the end, however, the parts of the body that were lost are regained, and come back to a healthy whole. John Kerry and all those who support the current machine are the cancer. The therapy is an overdose of truth and optimism. America can be better than a silent majority held captive to James Dobson's hatred. The 60% of Americans who don't vote are infected with the disease. We need to bring them back, to kill the diseased cells that have choked them into submission.

I wrote that letter to Kerry on September 20, 2002. If your interested, it's available here.

Know Peace

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