Rumsfeld declined to speculate on plans for troop levels or how the U.S. military services might supply troops for a lengthy stay in Iraq, saying that he is evaluating a series of briefings on the matter.
"We're looking around corners, up ahead, and asking ourselves how we would do things," Rumsfeld said.
James Baker has been going around speaking of his role as an advisor, mentioning the possibility of his committee recommending "strategic changes" to the Trinity Administration, but only after the upcoming election, so as not to "politicize" their report's results.
Am I dense, or is this Administration trying to hide their real plans from voters until after the elections, because they intend to make dramatic shifts in policy, al-a The Son's earthly father G.H.W.B.'s famous read-my-lips gaff, that he knows would completely ruin any chances for Republican's to win anything this year. Are we about to witness a flip-flop from our famously resolute Commander-In-Thief? I dunno, but I'm curious. I still believe he wants to invade Iran, but that Israel's loss to Hezbollah this summer put the kabash on that for the moment. Where will this all go?