If you haven't read Seymour Hersh's
article on the Administration's plans regarding how they're going to conduct the military strikes on Iran, you need to. The use of nuclear weapons is a live option. Generals asking for this option to be removed are being rebuffed. Quoting a "former senior intelligence official" Seymour writes:
"Nuclear planners go through extensive training and learn the technical details of damage and fallout--we're talking about mushroom clouds, radiation, mass casualties, and contamination over years. This is not an underground nuclear test, where all you see is the earth raised a little bit. These politicians don't have a clue, and whenever anybody tries to get it out"--remove the nuclear option--"they're shouted down."
Look, I'm no fan of Iran. And if this were a different administration we were talking about this would be a different discussion entirely. Unfortunately we seem to be on the precipice of the most dangerous time our country has ever known, and I don't make that comment lightly. The newly crowned Trinity of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are not friends of America. Leaders who care about our great country would show contrition for their actions that have so irreparably harmed her. Instead, they continue blindly down the same paths they set out upon six years ago. Time and catastrophic failures have not deterred them. Lets be crystal clear: No American should vote for ANY Republican this coming year, because any Republican, no matter how moderate, will come under the leadership of a party hell-bent on taking our country to the brink of disaster. We know, that is, we have empirical evidence of their contempt for diplomacy and multi-lateralism. We have proof of their gross ineptitude when it comes to foreign policy. Americans must understand that our leaders' actions have direct consequences on our lives. If we pre-emptively use nuclear weapons, voters in other nations around the world, friend and foe, will step away from us. Why should we care? Because they have the power to elect governments hostile to America. We've seen this happen already in this President's term. South America is quickly turning into an adversary. We need access to their resources, but we're driving them into the arms of China with our bluster and hostile rhetoric.
The bottom line is, Americans cannot trust this Administration. At all. We know that they have messianic ideals. They have, as Richard Clarke so aptly put it, "received knowledge." It's as if they are the Judas of the newfound Gospel. We all know them to be Satan incarnate, but they insist to actually be doing the Lord's will on the down-low.
If Americans want regime change in Iran, they need to be willing to use conventional military tactics. We should be willing to sacrifice our men and women in a cause we feel merits it. This Administration is comprised entirely of cowards. Hersh quotes a "government consultant with close ties to the civilian leadership in the Pentagon" as describing Bush's ambitions thusly: "the President believes that he must do 'what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do,' and 'that saving Iran is going to be his legacy.'" As usual, Bush is in his own private fairy tale land. We know from other sources that he is preoccupied with his legacy, that he has been studying past President's legacies and how some left office looking bad but in the end were justified by history. We heard the Secretary of State repeat this nonsense last week. This man is determined to do SOMETHING right, despite his complete inability even to discern hostility from kindredness when face to face with another (remember how he "looked into Putin's soul" or some such nonesense, right before Putin began dismantling Russian democracy? Oh wait, maybe Putin was his inspiration...). This man genuinely has no clue, and this Trinity LACKS the COURAGE to do the job properly. If you want to overthrow a regime, we should have learned in Iraq that you can't do it by flipping switches. Sending "smart" nukes does not guarantee there won't be scores of innocent Iranians killed, Iranians who as of right now lean pro-America. Start raining nuclear fallout on them and they'll strap a bomb to their chest and run into a crowd of westerners faster than a Dane can draw Mohammed doing the same.
If America wants to dismantle the Iranian regime, heaven knows there are many rational reasons one can list to support such a decision. The new Trinity we have in the White House are not the people we want running such a campaign, however. Democrats need to completely retake the House and Senate and impeach this President before he can cause our nation any more trauma. God help us.